The Advantage in Grain Bin’s Moisture Monitoring

Moisture content is a critical factor in grain storage, affecting everything from the grain’s quality to its safety for consumption.

Excessive moisture can create an environment prone for the growth of mold and fungi, which can produce harmful toxins. Additionally, high moisture levels can attract pests, further jeopardizing the grain’s quality and leading to significant losses. Conversely, too little moisture can lead to over-drying, which compromises the grain’s nutritional value and market worth. Thus, accurate moisture monitoring is indispensable for maintaining the delicate balance required for optimal grain storage.

Integration with temperature cables and monitoring with the AgroLog Manager software offers a proactive approach to grain management. 

  • Precise, Real-Time Moisture Data: Ensures optimal grain storage conditions.

  • Comprehensive Silo Coverage: Detailed moisture insights at various points within the silo.

  • Proactive Problem Mitigation: Enables swift action to maintain grain quality.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Trends analysis and customizable alerts for moisture levels.

  • Maximized Grain Quality and Profitability: Protects against spoilage, mold, and pests.

  • Future-Proof Storage Management: Adopts a more efficient, data-driven approach to farming and storage management.

AgroLog's moisture monitoring solutions offer more than just data; they provide the insights necessary for making informed decisions that protect and enhance the value of stored grains.

Read more about moisture monitoring here.


Headspace Insights for Effective Grain Monitoring


Importance of Temperature Monitoring in Silos